
外國學生入學申請資訊Foreign Students Admission Application Information


Step 1.


Please establish that your identification satisfies the requirements for international students applying, and after that, validate the departmental application deadline and the admissions period.


Step 2.


Please fill out the admission application form on the school's registration system and attach the necessary files.


Step 3.



大仁科技大學 研發暨國際兩岸事務處


親自繳交受理時間:週一至週五,8:00AM - 5:00PM

Prior to the deadline, kindly upload the application materials to the school's foreign student registration system. (https://tra.tajen.edu.tw/OverseasStudent/)deliver it in person or send it registered mail to the aforementioned location (overseas, it is recommended to use express services such as DHL or FedEx).

Please attach the application envelope's cover to the application letter.

         大仁科技大學 研發暨國際兩岸事務處

         No.20, Weishin Rd. Yanpu Shiang Pingtung 907, Taiwan, R.O.C.

        Submission in person accepted during: Monday to Friday,

        8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.


Step 4.


When the application form is received, we'll send you an email to let you know.

  1. 申請資料 Application materials
    • (一)應繳文件 Required documents

1.線上填寫入學申請表 (檢附兩寸半身照片)。申請資料除照片應以 JPG 檔案上傳外,其他則以 PDF 檔案上傳,請依各項文件欄位逐一上傳,每一文件項目僅可上傳單一檔案。申請生若單一項目有多個電子檔,請自行合併成一個檔案後再上傳,並以 2MB 為限,逾時將不予受理,所有申請文件一概不退還,請自行保留備份。Complete the online admission application form (attach a two-inch half- length photo). All documents for applications, excluding images, should be uploaded as JPG files. Others are submitted as PDF files; please upload each file individually in accordance with the appropriate section; each file item can only upload one file. The maximum file size for upload is 2 MB; if applicants have many electronic files for a single project, please combine them into a single file before uploading. Overdue submissions will not be accepted, and all application materials will not be returned.

2.經我國駐外使領館、代表處、辦事處、其他經外交部授權機構(以下簡稱駐外館處)、行政院設立或指定之機構或委託之民間團體驗證之外國學校最高學歷或同等學力證明文件及成績單(中、英文以外之語文,應附中文或英文譯本)。The highest academic degree or equivalent academic credentials from foreign institutions verified by our embassies, consulates, representative offices, offices, other organizations authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter referred to as overseas missions), establishments set up or designated by the Executive Yuan, or entrusted non-governmental organizations supplementary records and transcripts (in languages other than Chinese and English, a Chinese or English translation should be attached).

(1)大陸地區學歷:應依大陸地區學歷採認辦法規定辦理。Academic credentials from the mainland: It shall be treated in line with the rules for recognizing academic credentials from the mainland.

(2)香港或澳門地區:應依香港澳門學歷檢覈及採認辦法規定辦理。Hong Kong or Macau: It should be handled in line with the regulations for the inspection and recognition of academic credentials in Hong Kong and Macau.

(3)其他地區學歷:海外臺灣學校及大陸地區臺商學校之學歷同我國同級學校學歷。前二目以外之國外地區學歷,應依大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法規定辦理。但設校或分校於大陸地區之外國學校學歷,應經大陸地區公證處公證,並經行政院設立或指定之機構或委託之民間團體驗證。Educational credentials from other regions: Educational credentials from Taiwanese business schools and international schools are equivalent to those from comparable institutions in my home country. The University's Regulations for the Recognition of Foreign Degrees must be followed when dealing with degrees from foreign countries other than those mentioned in the first two sections. However, the academic credentials of foreign schools with campuses or branches in the mainland area must be attested by a notary office there and confirmed by a body established or designated by the Executive Yuan or a non-governmental organization to which the Executive Yuan has delegated that authority.

(4)畢(結)業年級相當於臺灣高級中等學校二年級或香港、澳門地區同級同類學校畢業生得申請本校學士班,並得依本校學則規定於畢業前補修十二學分以上(含),方得符合畢業資格。補修之學分不列入畢業學分。Graduation (complete) (completion), The school's bachelor's program is open to applicants with grades equivalent to the second grade of senior high schools in Taiwan or graduates of institutions of a comparable caliber in Hong Kong and Macau. Applicants may complete more than 12 credits (including) before graduation in accordance with the requirements of the school. must be qualified to graduate. Supplemental course credits are not counted toward graduation.

    1. 3.中文或英文自傳、讀書計畫乙份。One copy of a study schedule and autobiography in either Chinese or English.
    2. 4. 最近三個月經由金融機構提出中文或英文存款證明新臺幣十五萬之財力證明(美金5,000 元)。To demonstrate financial resources of NT$150,000 (US$5,000) in the previous three months, a financial institution must present a Chinese or English deposit certificate.
      *若存款證明非申請人本人帳戶,另須檢附資助者親筆聲明書(中文或英文),說明資助者與申請人之關係,並保證負擔申請人在臺就學所有費用。*If the deposit certificate is not from the applicant's own account, the sponsor's personal statement (in Chinese or English) that explains their partnership with the application and promises to cover all of the applicant's study-related costs must also be included.
      *全額獎學金得主可以獎學金證明書代替(不接受獎學金申請表)。已獲臺灣獎學金證明者,仍須檢附銀行存款證明新臺幣 3 萬元以上(美金 1,000 元)。Recipients of full scholarships may use the scholarship certificate as proof of financial capacity (scholarship application forms are not accepted). Those who have already received a scholarship certificate from Taiwan must still provide a bank deposit certificate of at least 30,000 New Taiwan Dollars (or 1,000 US Dollars).
    3. 5.健康證明(包括人類免疫缺乏病毒有關檢查)。Medical clearance (including HIV-related checks).

    6.  語文能力相關證明文件 Documents related to language proficiency

註1:*本校要求進入中文授課為主的學生應有基本華語聽說讀寫能力,因此外國學生於申請入學時得檢附已具基本聽說讀寫語言能力之相關證明,以作為入學資格審查有利之依據。建議語言能力證明如下Foreign students must provide their own documentation when applying for admission because the school requires that students who are primarily taught in Chinese have basic Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, and students who are primarily taught in English have basic English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Relevant certifications of fundamental language proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing are utilized as a good foundation for the admission qualifying exam. It is advised to show your language ability in the manners below
(一) 申請中文授課之系所
Submit an application for a department teaching Chinese

1. 母語非華語外國學生需通過華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)基礎級能力A2(含)以上或其他中文檢定同級。Non-native Mandarin-speaking international students must pass at least Level A2 of the Test of Mandarin as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) or an equivalent level on another Mandarin proficiency test.                                                                             

2. 中文為母語者或畢業於中文授課之學校並具證明者(例如:馬來西亞華文獨立中學畢業證書)或大學主修中文並具證明者。Those who can provide documentation of being a native speaker of Chinese, having completed a Chinese-medium education (for instance, a Malaysian Chinese Independent Secondary School Graduation Certificate), or having majored in Chinese.

  (二)申請英文學程者,其英語文能力測驗應達CEFR B1(含)級以上。

            For applicants to English-taught programs, their English proficiency test scores should meet or exceed CEFR level B1.

  1. 7.各系所規定應繳交文件。It is necessary to submit the paperwork that each agency requires.

*上述文件為初審必要文件,須齊全且合格後方送至系所做最後審查。The aforementioned papers must be complete and qualified before being given to the department for final inspection since they are required for the preliminary examination.
申請科系所將以資料審查及面試進行申請入學審核。請務必提供口面試聯繫方式,以供聯繫。The applicant department will conduct an interview and examine the application for admission. Please be sure to provide the interviewer's contact information.
注意事項:不符合報考資格或所繳證件有偽造、假借、塗改等情事,在錄取後未註冊前發覺者,應取消錄取資格;註冊入學後發覺者即開除學籍,不發給任何學籍證明。如在畢業後始發覺者, 除勒令繳銷其畢業證書外,並公告取消其畢業資格。Precautions: Those who do not meet the requirements for the examination or who have forged, falsely borrowed, altered, etc., will have their admission qualifications revoked; those who are discovered after registration will be expelled from school and will not be given any documentation of their status as a student. If it is uncovered after graduation, in addition to being told to have their diplomas revoked, they will also have their graduation credentials canceled.
外國學生已在臺完成學士以上學位,繼續申請入學碩士學制者,得檢具我國各大學校院畢業證書及歷年成績證明文件,不受外國學生來台就學辦法第七條第一項第二款規定限制。Foreign students who have already completed a bachelor's degree or higher in Taiwan and wish to continue their studies by applying for a master's program may submit graduation certificates and transcripts from universities in Taiwan. They are not subject to the restrictions outlined in Article 7, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2 of the Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan.
本校審核外國學生之入學申請時,對外國學生來台就學辦法第十八條第一項第二款未經我國駐外使領館、代表處、辦事處或其他經外交部授權機構、行政院設立或指定之機構或委託之民間團體驗證之文件認定有疑義時,得要求經驗證;其業經驗證者,得請求協助查證。*When reviewing international students' admission applications, if there are doubts regarding documents that have not been authenticated by an ROC embassy, consulate, representative office, or other authorized institution designated or entrusted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or a private organization commissioned by the Executive Yuan, as outlined in Article 18, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2 of the Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan, the school may request authentication. If the documents have already been authenticated, assistance in verifying them may be requested.

  • (二)其他附件other attachments
    • 1.外國學生註冊時,新生應檢附已於國外投保自入境當日起至少六個月效期之醫療及傷害保險,在校生應檢附我國全民健康保險等相關保險證明文件。國外之保險證明,應經駐外館處驗證。When international students register, new students must provide proof of having purchased medical and accident insurance abroad, with a validity of at least six months from the date of entry. Current students must provide proof of insurance, such as Taiwan’s National Health Insurance or other relevant insurance documents. Insurance certificates issued abroad must be verified by ROC embassies or representative offices.
    • 申請注意事項Application-related notes
      • (一)外國學生經核准入學後悉依有關法令規定辦理。After receiving enrollment approval, overseas students must be treated in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
      • (二) 申請人不曾以僑生身份在中華民國就讀。The applicant is an overseas Chinese student who has never attended school in the Republic of China.
      • (三)依教育部規定,外國學生經入學學校以操行、學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件確定致遭退學者,不得再依「外國學生來臺就學辦法」向本校申請入學。若違反此規定並經查證屬實者,撤銷其入學資格。According to Ministry of Education regulations, foreign students who have been expelled from a school due to misconduct, poor academic performance, or a confirmed criminal conviction are not allowed to apply for admission to the university under the "Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan." If any violation of this rule is verified, their admission will be revoked.
      • (四)已報名或錄取之學生,如經發現申請資格不符規定或所繳交之證件有變造、偽造、假借、冒用等不實情事者,未入學者即取消錄取資格;已入學者開除學籍,亦不發給任何學歷證明;如將來在本校畢業後始發現者,除勒令繳銷其學位證書外,並公告取消其畢業資格。If a student who has applied or been admitted is found to have violated the application qualifications or submitted forged, altered, borrowed, or fraudulent documents, their admission will be revoked if they have not yet enrolled. If they have already enrolled, they will be expelled, and no academic certificate will be issued. If such a violation is discovered after graduation, the university will demand the return of their diploma and publicly cancel their graduation qualifications.
      • (五)所有申請之文件概不退還,請自行保留備份。All submitted application documents will not be returned. Please keep copies for your own records.
      • (六) 外國學生申請來臺就學,以一次為限。其繼續在臺就學者,其入學方式應與我國內一般學生相同。但下列情形,不在此限:Foreign students are allowed to apply for studying in Taiwan only once. Those who wish to continue their studies in Taiwan must follow the same admission procedures as local students. However, the following situations are exceptions to this rule
        1. 於完成申請就學學校學程後,申請碩士班以上學程,得逕依本招生規定辦理。Applicants who apply for a course of study beyond a master's degree may directly pursue the admission requirements after completing the school's application process.
        2. 外國學生申請來台就讀學士班以下學程,在國內停留未滿一年,因故退學或喪失學籍,得重新申請來臺就學,並以一次為限。Foreign students who seek to study for a bachelor's degree in Taiwan, stay in China for less than a year, discontinue their studies, or lose their student status for whatever reason are only permitted to reapply once to study in Taiwan.