Tajen University Chinese Language Center Application Form
Please TYPE or PRINT in clear Chinese or English. Documents that are not clear will not be considered.
□春季班 Spring - 15 hours/week □夏季班 Summer - 15 hours/week □秋季班 Autumn - 15 hours/week □冬季班 Winter - 15 hours/week |
英文姓名 English Name |
Last___________ First ____________ Middle_______ 須與護照相同 Must be the same as shown in your PASSPORT |
貼2吋照片 Attach Recent 2-inch Photo Here |
中文姓名 Chinese Name |
______________________________________ 如果你希望由我們為您取中文姓名,請在填寫「華語中心取名」 If you want the Chinese Language Center to give you a Chinese name, please copy the following sentence into the answer of "Name in Chinese": 「`由華語中心取名」 |
國籍 Nationality |
須與護照相同 Must be the same as shown in your PASSPORT |
生日 Date of Birth |
MM / DD / YY |
性別 Gender |
□男 Male □女 Female |
電話 Phone No: |
護照號碼 Passport Number |
最高學歷 Highest Level of Education |
☐ 高中 Senior High School ☐ 大學 University ☐ 研究所 Post-graduate |
護照有效期限 Date of Expiration |
MM / DD / YY |
電子信箱 |
______________________________________ 學生繳費、開課...等重要通知,均以電子郵件寄發,請務必提供有效之電子郵件帳號。Please enter your(applicant's) personal email address to stay in touch and keep up-to-date with all our latest news. |
通訊地址 Address |
_____________________________________________ 入學許可會寄到這個地址,請務必以英文或中文詳細正確填寫。 The admission letter will be mailed to this address. Please print clearly inEnglish or Chinese. |
是否需要辦理中文研習簽證? Do your need to apply Visitor Visa? |
☐ 否 No ☐ 是 Yes (依據中華民國政府之規定,須持有中文研習簽證或居留證之外國學生,每週必須上課 15 小時。 According to Ministry of Education regulations, students applying for the visa of studying Chinese or the ARC, must take 15 hours a week.) |
☐ 個人儲蓄 Personal Savings ☐ 家人支援 Family Support
☐ 獎學金 Scholarship (☐台灣獎學金 Taiwan Scholarship ☐ 其他 Others: )
☐ 其他 Others:
你學過中文嗎? Have you ever learnt Chinese? ☐ 學過 Yes ☐ 沒學過 No (以下免填,Please pass the questios blow.) |
你學過哪些教材? What Chinese study materials have you used? 1. 2. 3. 4. |
學習中文多久? How long have you learnt Chinese? |
☐ 0-1 year ☐ 1-2 years ☐ 2-3 years ☐ 3 years~ |
您是否參加過任何中文能力檢定?☐是Yes,請回答下列問題 ☐否No Have you ever taken a Chinese Proficiency Test? ( If yes, please answer the following questions.) |
☐TOCFL(TOP-Huayu) |
證書Certificate______________;MM / DD / YY |
☐漢語水平考試(HSK) |
證書Certificate______________;MM / DD / YY |
☐其他Other |
證書Certificate______________;MM / DD / YY |
你覺得你現在的中文能力怎麼樣?How do you think of your Chinese ability? |
聽 Listening |
☐精通 Excellent |
☐佳 Good |
☐尚可 Average |
☐差 Poor |
說 Speaking |
☐精通 Excellent |
☐佳 Good |
☐尚可 Average |
☐差 Poor |
讀 Reading |
☐精通 Excellent |
☐佳 Good |
☐尚可 Average |
☐差 Poor |
寫 Writing |
☐精通 Excellent |
☐佳 Good |
☐尚可 Average |
☐差 Poor |
姓名 Name |
電話 Phone No. |
關係 Relationship |
地址 Address |
姓名 Name |
電話 Phone No. |
關係 Relationship |
地址 Address |
☐已有居留證並加入全民健康保險I hold an ARC and have joined National Health Insurance.
☐已自行投保海外醫療保險 I have overseas medical insurance.
☐我沒有任何保險。I do not have any insurance.
☐我要住宿舍2人房apply for dorm 2-shared room.
☐我要住宿舍3人房apply for dorm 3-shared room.
☐護照影本Photocopy of the first page of the passport
☐二吋半身正面照片2張2 2-inches Photographs
In case of no classes due to insufficient number of students, the tuition fees paid will be refunded.
If you are unable to obtain a visa entry, the tuition fees paid will also be refunded.
If one is unable to attend classes due to personal factors before the start of the course, the tuition fees paid will not be refunded and is not transferable, but one can resume class for a grace period of one semester.
After the start of the course, if one is unable to attend classes due to personal factors, or if one is absent from the class during the course, the tuition fees paid will not be refunded, and the class will not be postponed.
☐勾選確認check to confirm
I hereby consent and authorize Chinese Language Center (CLC) of Tajen University of Languages to collect the personal information that I provide for the purpose of affairs of course, activities and administrative work in CLC. I also understand that CLC will not disclosed this information to third parties without my agreement.
☐勾選確認check to confirm
I have completely understood all the information indicated by Tajen University Chinese Language Center, and I agree, I will follow the regulations without transgression.
申請人簽名 Applicant Signature 日期 Date:
請寄至: 90741 屏東縣鹽埔鄉維新路20號 大仁科技大學華語中心 收 或 cmchiou@tajen.edu.tw
Mail to Chinese Language Center, Tajen University
No.20, Weixin Rd., Yanpu Township, Pingtung County 90741, Taiwan, R.O.C. or cmchiou@tajen.edu.tw
大仁科技大學華語中心 90741屏東縣鹽埔鄉維新路20號
Chinese Language Center, Tajen University No.20, Weixin Rd., Yanpu Township, Pingtung County 90741, Taiwan, R.O.C TEL: 886-8-7624002#1853
E-mail: cmchiou@tajen.edu.tw